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Clean Water
CPC Civils were successfully awarded the Teme Siphon, Ludlow contract in 2013 and completed works later that year. CPC Civils were tasked with the removal and replacement of 2 twin 1800mm diameter ductile iron clean water pipes from the Elan Valley aqueduct. The pipes were approximately 1.2 kilometres in length.
During the delivery phase, CPC Civils set up the site and installed demarcation fencing along the pipe line length. A full site top soil strip was segregated from the future excavation work to stop any contamination.
CPC Civils were given a maximum of six weeks, from the day that the water supply to the aqueduct was stopped, to carry out all works in replacing the existing pipes, pressure test, swab and chlorinate prior to full commissioning. CPC Civils produced a Construction Programme which allowed for a project completion within six weeks.
To allow project acceleration and timescales to be met, dual gangs on a rolling programme were set up. The first gang started at the most southerly point of the project, and the second gang started 600 meters away. CPC Civils also set up 2 compounds to minimise the time lost in site labour, with staff travelling back to the welfare units for breaks.
Finally, all site materials required were in place prior to the pipes being capped off
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