Dronfield Wastewater Treatment Works

Project Value


Client Name

Tilbury Douglas

Project Type

Water infrastructure

Dronfield Wastewater Treatment Works

Delivery of Civils Package for New Chemical Dosing Plant

Dronfield Wastewater Treatment Works – Project Overview

Location: Dronfield, Derbyshire.

After carrying out an initial package of site enabling works, CPC Civils were awarded the main civils package for a new TSR plant on an existing WTW as part of Yorkshire Water’s WINEP project portfolio.

This is the provision of a secondary treatment process for the final effluent prior to it going to the outfall into the River Drone, which runs adjacent to the site.

Dronfield Wastewater Treatment Works

Dronfield Wastewater Treatment Works – Construction Specifics

The work package would include, but not be limited to, the following elements:

  • Site enabling works incl. the removal of existing structures and surplus material.
  • Placement of new precast concrete structures and associated in situ infills. The precast units were provided FOC by our client but we carried out the full installation from start to finish.
  • Construction of new DI pipelines, connecting new structures to the existing outfall.
  • Construction of new electrical and chemical dosing ducting networks.
  • Construction of a new backwash pump station.
  • Installation of new drainage network for surface water and treated water.
  • Construction of new chemical delivery area.
  • Construction of new retaining walls (precast).
  • Construction of new hardstanding’s and access roads.These works were carried out over a 12 month period, working closely with our client to overcome various issues and challenges along the way
Dronfield Wastewater Treatment Works

Dronfield Wastewater Treatment Works – Project Challenges

Successfully completing the project would require CPC Civils to overcome a number of challenges including:

  • Design changes as a result of tight project deadlines.
  • Excessive groundwater that required constant management.
  • As it was an existing water treatment works, the amount of existing services lead to a lot of careful excavation works in difficult ground.
  • Utilising Pre-cast concrete elements from the client to help reduce the overall carbon footprint of the project. The installation of these required thorough and careful planning.

Dronfield Wastewater Treatment Works – Project Outcomes and Values

CPC Civils would deliver the project in line with our client’s project deadlines and commitments.

We ensured we worked collaboratively with them at all stages of the project, often working out of sequence, to ensure that we could hand over to the M&E teams for them to do their installations.

The scheme was commissioned in December and met the regulatory deadline for the ultimate client, Yorkshire Water.

From a CPC Civils perspective, the work was delivered safely, on time, and within budget.

The success of this scheme has lead to us delivering several other schemes with Tilbury Douglas as we head into the AMP 8 period.

As part of this scheme, we partnered up with Tilbury Douglas to provide the following Social Value initiatives:

  • One member of the team attended a volunteer day at the local Tesco to help gather supplies for the Trussell Trust Foodbank.
  • Five members of CPC Civils attended throughout the day to help in any way we could.

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